The game is internally referred to as just "30th Anniversary of PAC-MAN".
The game is considered to be the first Pac-Man game made with HTML5.
The Secrets of Google Pac-Man - interactive quiz game that talks about Google Pac-Man's development 1: Baseball There have been several sports-based doodle games, but the one we spent the most time on was Baseball from the 2019 4th of July.
Completing it results in a "Game Over" screen. The infamous 256th level was also featured in the game (after completing all 255 levels). Pac-Man, which can be accessed by clicking "Insert Coin" after the game has already begun the description said that it was "a little easter egg". There is also a two-player co-op mode with Pac-Man and Ms. The main difference is the shape of the maze, which is now shaped around the Google logo. The gameplay is very similar to the original game, with similar Ghost A.I. The logo was originally featured on the Google homepage, before being removed after 48 hours it is still accessible online by Google searching for the term "Pac-Man" or "pacman 30th anniversary". Namco-developed Pac-Man, which has been at the hub of attention for over 30 years now, has been made available for download at absolutely no charge, via.
The Pac-Man Google Doodle is a playable HTML5 game, created by Marcin Wichary on to celebrate Pac-Man's 30th anniversary.